June, 2012
The girls attend a public charter school that specifically accommodates homeschoolers. Thus they attend weekly classes and activities, and are at home the rest of the week. This year our history studies focused on the Middle Ages so for our last day of school it was only appropriate to put on our own Renaissance Fair! One of the teachers was able to bring in a re-enactment group to our campus, setting up stations for our students to rotate through, learning along the way.
The first part of the day involved class demonstrations. Watching intently, students and parents cheered on some of the classes who performed the skills they had learned this semester. The Writing, Ballet, Irish Dance, and Choir classes all gave beautiful performances!
Opening Ceremonies ;) |
Ballet class performance-Nat is hiding in the far right rear |
Irish Dance class demonstration |
Irish Dance Class |
After all of the demonstrations, the students were dismissed into groups. I had the privilege of being a group leader and escorted the girls and some of their friends around to each activity. Jeff joined us; we learned so much and had a blast watching all of the kids try on chain mail, make impressions, learn how to stamp coins, fight with a sword and pell, weave with silk and flax, and create illuminations. We also visited classrooms where all of the students displayed their work from throughout the year. Following the festivities, we returned to the "banquet hall" to enjoy a Medieval Feast! The recipes, made by the moms, were from the Middle Ages so the kids could have a taste of the different flavors and foods of the times.
Last day of school meant the garden class needed to harvest all of their veggies. They made some of these huge radishes available to all of the families along with bunches and bunches of lettuce. |
Roman style armor was on display for the kids. |
Natalie tries a gauntlet |
Katie tries on some chain mail. That is some heavy stuff! |
Stamping coins |
Nat's project display from her Zoology class. The projects that the students displayed were quite impressive! |
An ocean box from a student who studied "Swimming Creatures" |
The Swiss Family Robinson classes created a large diorama of the island and its inhabitants. | | | "New Switzerland" |
This project was especially impressive. It is a report on the 1960's in scrapbook form. Photos don't do it justice. |
Hand made miniature Greek dolls, popular in the Middle Ages. |
Mrs. Kridler demonstrating the best form for warfare |
Examples of silk to be weaved |
The girls were learning the fine art of Illumination and viewing examples of silver leaf. |
Before we knew it the day was over and so was our school year! I can't believe how quickly it passed. This year was a big change for us as we moved from a school we had attended for several years into a new school and a new format (charter school). It was scary and I prayed that I was making the right choice for our family and my kids. It turned out to be a year of growth and learning for all of us and we have definitely found a home here.
This time of year is always bittersweet for a mom like me. While I am eager to put away our school books and kick up our heels for the summer, I am also nostalgic as I put away the phonics charts and addition flashcards. I know in my heart that I have no use for these items anymore. I look at the books we have read together over the course of a year and as I slide them away smoothly into the bookcase, the memories wash over me. I remember the time we have spent on the couch together laughing at the mistakes made by Anne of Green Gables, astonished at the antics of Catherine Called Birdy, sentimentally tearing up thinking of Little Ann and Old Dan, disgusted as yet another unlikely animal is discovered by the Swiss Family Robinson on the island of New Switzerland, giggling as we attempted to memorize together the best of Shel Silverstein at our weekly Tuesday Tea Parties, busting a gut watching our homeschool friends start a fire in the backyard to cook a Roman Meal. I marvel at all of the gains we have made and I am overwhelmed with gratitude as I know how blessed I am to be able to spend this cherished time with these two little people. We have truly created some amazing memories this year! As I pack it up and put it away, I know that summer lounging will soon be replaced by September anticipation and we will do it all over again. I can't wait!
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