Grandma Davidson
Long Beach, CA
Robert and Dorothy Davidson |
May 17, 2012 would have been Grandma Davidson's 100th birthday. For the last several years our family has been awaiting the arrival of this landmark occasion with excitement and anticipation. I think all of us privately marked off the date on our calendars knowing there was going to be a great celebration!
Unfortunately, after grandma passed away in January, the approaching date took on a different tone. The family decided that this would be the ideal date to scatter her ashes at sea, reuniting her and grandpa.
Arriving just in the nick of time at Pier 22 in Long Beach, CA, Jeff and I hopped on a boat teeming with Grandma and Grandpa's closest family. There were mixed emotions as we pulled away. We knew that they are together in heaven and they lived such long and full lives; it was easy to celebrate these amazing people! However, we missed them so much. I did not have the opportunity to know Grandpa very well as he passed away in 1997; however, Grandma has been a part of my life for almost 20 years now!
After we motored out into the sea, the captain turned off the engine and allowed us some quiet moments to share stories and memories of the two. I cannot begin to describe to you the events that transpired. I wish I had the words for the beauty and respect that was conveyed by our family. Children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, everyone had some praise to sing. One of the things that stood out to me was when Rob (grandson) spoke about Grandpa and the way he used to shop at antique sales. He would walk up to something and gently stroke the top of it then tap it gently. To everyone around him, that meant that he had found a quality piece. It was lost on no one that he was a man that recognized quality....and that's how he ended up with Grandma. This was a quality woman. Many, many, many people shared memories of events and their time together, but mostly we shared how we felt when we were with her. She was not a complainer, and that is an understatement. She was the type of woman who worked with her husband at his various businesses during the day and came home to tend to three kids at night, cooking dinner, and never complaining. She was sweet to all she met and conversations with her were dominated by the events of our lives and opportunities and challenges we faced. She was genuinely interested in our lives and experiences. She lived by herself up until a few years ago, and every Sunday night was family time at her place. Grandkids and kids (and great-grandkids in tow!) would drive from different parts of Southern California to spend Sunday at Grandma's and she would take the whole family out to dinner. It didn't matter who showed up, out we would go! The beginning of every meal was spent praying and thanking the Lord for His blessings in our lives, but the end of the meal she would pipe up with "Thanks, Bob!" Always keeping Grandpa's memory alive for us.
Noah, Dad, Rob, and Alan |
Aunt Linn aka Queen of the world. (She may kill me for this!) :) |
We made tiny sachets of flowers to scatter around their wreath. It was a heartfelt memorial. |
Dad praying over our family. |
Joe speaking about Grandma and Grandpa |
Lorraine reading an amazing letter that she wrote. It was touching and well written. |
Rob sharing about how Grandpa "knew quality" when he saw it. We all joked that was how he ended up with such a wonderful woman as Grandma. |
Preparing to scatter their ashes together |
At rest, at sea |
Lorraine and Kimberly |
Joe and Virginia, possibly the most adorable couple I know! |
A small memorial: grandma cooking and Grandpa in the hallway at home amongst his clocks. |
After the memorial we visited Grandma and Grandpa's old house in Long Beach. I grabbed a picture of Jeff, Robby, and Julie standing in front of the house. I can recall Katelyn toddling up these steps in her rainboots and jacket. |
They lived at the corner of Roosevelt and Olive and we spent some time on the street corner reminiscing. It was beautiful listening to my husband and his cousins tell stories about growing up here: Grandma sewing Julie's "knickers" after a skinned knee on the skateboard, the boys swindling the neighbors with a Boy Scout story. They were lucky kids. |
Cafe Bixby on the corner! The Davidson clan spent many a Sunday night here together. We would walk here from Grandma's house, have dinner together, and walk back with a take out box of pie. I clearly remember taking these walks with my first born new baby in my arms. |
To sum it up she was completely old school and full of all kinds of
class. She was a big lady at 6' tall and earned the nickname "Tall
Grandma" from my kids. But a woman that tall leaves a mighty big hole
when she leaves and we will work hard to keep her legacy of family,
integrity, and hard work alive. An understatement it may be, but it must
be said: She is missed.
So sorry for your loss. What a nice memorial to her life though. xx