
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

It's My Birthday

True story: last night as I pumped gas at a gas station close to Balboa Island, a guy came over and chatted me up about the "Navy Wife" license plates on my car. He told me he was "fascinated" by the military life and asked all sorts of questions about where we have lived and why we were "here" indicating this particular area. I explained our situation and the circumstances that led to our stay here. He in return told me about his life, his 55' boat, and how he lives out on the island and was feeling sorry for me because I am poor. Yes, that's precisely what he said. I drove back to the Dunes pretty floored and really gave my husband a earful about this guy. Finally, I meet the guy who gives Orange County people such a bad reputation! hahaha
Today is my birthday. It was a crazy day and had nothing really to do with me. I had to drive back to Riverside to take Katie to a doctor's appointment and to her Tuesday night Bible Study class. Plus I went to the gym, paid bills, and spent an inordinate amount of time at the bank fixing a mistake that they made with our account over the weekend. Not exactly a pamper yourself type of birthday. Whatever.
I had the beginnings of a migraine by the time we headed back to the campground tonight. I put on some music and listened to my 12-year-old tell me about every facet of her day....
Then it happened. I had one of those moments. A Taylor Swift song had come on the radio and Katie cranked up the music and violently started singing along. "I love this song, Mom!" I looked back at Natalie in the backseat with her sunglasses on (in the dark because she is that cool), her sequined jacket (that she wore on purpose for the camping trip), and the glow of the car electronics on her face. She was staring at me and smiling. They were happy. They were healthy. They were mine.
As I begin my 36th year on this earth, I want this moment to be the one that sticks with me. The one where life is as simple as Taylor Swift on the radio and Katelyn happily singing in the car where Natalie is looking at me with contentment, where my wonderful husband is waiting for me at the end of the road, and I have the peace of knowing that God's grace and love completely surround me no matter what this year will bring.
So really, gas station man can kick rocks, because I am RICH.

My hubby decorated our camping trailer in honor of my birthday

This is what I returned "home" to tonight

My Rosie with whipped cream on her nose ;)

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